Health, Home Safety and Medical Alert Articles

Our Emergency Response Systems can help address a number of home health, safety and well-being concerns. Select an article to read from the menu to the left.


Experts believe that 10 million Americans suffer from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), and another 10 million have some other form of lung or respiratory impairment. When the weather turns hot and humid, our emergency response operators find their panels light up with calls from patients with difficulty breathing; most require an ambulance and treatment at a hospital.

Many COPD patients swear they can predict the weather by their increased or reduced difficulty breathing.

For patients living with COPD, periods of high heat and humidity - as well as extremely cold and dry air - cause a significant increase in painful shortness of breath. In addition, high humidity allows the air to retain an increased amount of pollutants (chemicals, pollen, molds etc.) aggravating COPD. Humid air is denser; dense air creates more resistance to airflow resulting in increased work breathing (i.e. shortness of breath).

Hot, humid weather also causes an increase of blood flow by dilating vessels and, in turn, this can cause inflammation of the respiratory tract, worsening breathing problems.

While the weather cannot be controlled, steps can be taken to control the patient's environment (see tips below). If difficulty breathing still occurs intermittently, it is important to have a failsafe backup plan.

The ideal plan is a personal emergency response system. One push of a lightweight, waterproof button and the patient is assured of immediate help. Do not let difficulty breathing, and consequent difficulty in walking and talking put you at risk. For a little more than a dollar a day you and your loved ones can have the reassurance that if you need it, help is right at your fingertips. Don't wait for an accident to happen, call us at 1-800-888-0338 today.

Breathe easier, control your environment